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“Bible basher”? Talk about people who had trouble in their life! Irene was 47 years old, recently had a heart attack and an inoperable stomach cancer. Her husband and three of her five children had all deserted her. Of the two children she had at home, the youngest was 19 years old, already had breast cancer, cancer of the uterus and was also pregnant. The second child was a young man who was 26 years old and a full on heroin addict.

Irene fell in love with the Stampley Bible and told us that her mother had one exactly the same years ago. She said she always wanted to own it, but when her mum died the Bible vanished. She was very happy to order the Stampley Bible and Today, Tomorrow and You.

At this point the 19 year old daughter, AnnĀ­Marie, came into the room and it wasn't long before she too ordered the entire set, around $900 worth. As Luminita and I were writing up the second order, the 26 year old son came home and started begging for money. In his usual way, he swore a lot as he begged from his mum and then his sister. Ann-Marie said, “Shush, stop that foul language or I will bash you with the Bible” (pointing to the Stampley Bible).

I said, “Ann-Marie, you're not a Bible basher, are you?” We all laughed.

What a joy it was to have prayer with this wayward, but searching family, who stepped out in faith to purchase God's special last day literature. Praise God! - John Brereton, former Area Manager

Recommended reading: Read the origin of Babylon and Sunday Sabbath and paganism in Christianity to understand why scripture calls the Papal Church Babylon. And then reading why the Sabbath was changed to Sunday will make perfect sense and that Satan was behind the change. What is the beasts number contains fascinating information on 666 originating from Babylon and why this number now relates to a man in the Papal Church. The seven year tribulation reveals how this time period came from an abused prophecy and gives the truth on the second coming. [d-prophecy]

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Last Modified: February/04/2025 00:21:07